Sunday, July 02, 2017

This Weekend Read

I'm a book junkie too, did you know that?
I have an account on goodreads  website, do you have one there?

Here what I've read this week, it's a sweet and lovely romance:)

The Fortune Hunter (Lord Rival, #2)The Fortune Hunter by Diane Farr
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is story about a guy who need to marry a heiress so he can have money to finance his bankrupt family estate and business.


Pinned by those silver eyes of hers, it struck him in a flash that the rock-bottom truth was, he was her enemy.

He meant to harm her. He liked her, he respected her, and he felt strongly attracted to her but he would steal from her if he could. First her heart, and then her fortune. He had not thought of it in such bald terms until this very moment.


Of course everything is not as easy as he plan, especially when the girl is beautiful, independent and smart too:)


He was falling in love instead, where the lady knew from the start he was only wanted her money. To be fair he wasn't a bad guy, the badly needed money has gone before his time..

“Forgive me,” he said hoarsely. “I’ve been shallow and blind and selfish. I’ve lived in darkness for so many years, my dear, that when the sun finally shone on me I hadn’t the wit to recognize it.”


“Don’t you know, my darling girl, that you are the only breath of air my sorry, stale heart has ever breathed? I was a dead thing until I met you.” His fingers moved achingly, caressingly, to cup her cheeks. “For God’s sake, Ivy, don’t send me back there,” he whispered. “Don’t condemn me to a wasted life.”


I really like it but if there is something I want to complaint about this story, the hero is too nice for a rake and we don't see any bad thing of his rake's life at all, see? For my cynical heart I really wanted him to be bad! So I believe more with his 'fallen hard for her' part.

But still a lovely lovely romance and made you smile while reading it:)

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